Resources ‣ Deliverables
BE OPEN Press Release30 July 2021pdf129 KB
D6.6 Report on International cooperation5 July 2021This deliverable has been submitted to the EC. It is pending the EC approval. Until such approval is received, changes to the document can still occur. The final version will be uploaded once the approval is received.pdf1 MB
D6.7 Towards a unique engagement of Publishing houses5 July 2021This deliverable has been submitted to the EC. It is pending the EC approval. Until such approval is received, changes to the document can still occur. The final version will be uploaded once the approval is received.pdf387 KB
D5.4 Roadmap and guidelines to promote Open Science in transport research5 July 2021This deliverable has been submitted to the EC. It is pending the EC approval. Until such approval is received, changes to the document can still occur. The final version will be uploaded once the approval is received.pdf813 KB
D3.5 TOPOS forum and observatory Sustainability Analysis Assessment29 June 2021This deliverable has been submitted to the EC. It is pending the EC approval. Until such approval is received, changes to the document can still occur. The final version will be uploaded once the approval is received.pdf955 KB
D3.4 Strategy for pan- European diffusion and global links21 June 2021This deliverable has been submitted to the EC. It is pending the EC approval. Until such approval is received, changes to the document can still occur. The final version will be uploaded once the approval is received.pdf2 MB
D6.5 Project Video14 June 2021This deliverable has been submitted to the EC. It is pending the EC approval. Until such approval is received, changes to the document can still occur. The final version will be uploaded once the approval is received.pdf2 MB
D4.4 European Code of Conduct on Open Science in Transport31 May 2021This deliverable has been submitted to the EC. It is pending the EC approval. Until such approval is received, changes to the document can still occur. The final version will be uploaded once the approval is received.pdf2 MB
D5.3 Impact assessment of Open Science in transport31 May 2021This deliverable has been submitted to the EC. It is pending the EC approval. Until such approval is received, changes to the document can still occur. The final version will be uploaded once the approval is received.pdf2 MB
D5.2 KPIs for Open Science in transport evaluation31 March 2021This deliverable has been submitted to the EC. It is pending the EC approval. Until such approval is received, changes to the document can still occur. The final version will be uploaded once the approval is received.pdf2 MB
D3.3 TOPOS observatory visualization and user interface tools25 February 2021This deliverable has been submitted to the EC. It is pending the EC approval. Until such approval is received, changes to the document can still occur. The final version will be uploaded once the approval is received.pdf1 MB
D3.2 TOPOS development24 February 2021This deliverable has been submitted to the EC. It is pending the EC approval. Until such approval is received, changes to the document can still occur. The final version will be uploaded once the approval is received.pdf4 MB
D4.2 Transport Open Data: Properties and Specifications for Open Science19 January 2021This deliverable has been submitted to the EC. It is pending the EC approval. Until such approval is received, changes to the document can still occur. The final version will be uploaded once the approval is received.pdf2 MB
D4.3 New business models to implement Open Access in transport research28 December 2020This deliverable has been submitted to the EC. It is pending the EC approval. Until such approval is received, changes to the document can still occur. The final version will be uploaded once the approval is received.pdf3 MB
D5.1 Main challenges and opportunities, constraints and bottlenecks of Open Science in transport research3 December 2020This deliverable has been submitted to the EC. It is pending the EC approval. Until such approval is received, changes to the document can still occur. The final version will be uploaded once the approval is received.pdf3 MB
BE OPEN Presentation mid-term progress & results19 November 2020pdf1 MB
BE OPEN Advisory Board - Terms of Reference (v4)17 November 2020pdf189 KB
D2.3 Transport Research in the European Open Science Cloud29 September 2020pdf3 MB
D4.1 Open Science in transport research: legal issues and fundamental principles31 August 2020pdf2 MB
D3.1 TOPOS declaration25 June 2020pdf1 MB
D2.4 Governance and operational models8 May 2020pdf2 MB
D1.3 Use case catalogue for future research31 March 2020pdf805 KB
D6.2 Dissemination strategy14 February 2020pdf2 MB
D1.2 - Framework of common understanding of Open Science in transport sector26 August 2019pdf6 MB
D2.2 Open/FAIR data, software and infrastructure in European transport research15 July 2019pdf1 MB
D1.1 Taxonomy of actors, terminology and experimental tools28 June 2019pdf2 MB
D2.1 Open access publications and the performance of the European transport research28 June 2019pdf2 MB
D6.3 Project leaflet28 June 2019pdf382 KB
D6.4 Social media28 June 2019pdf977 KB
D6.1 - Project logo and website29 March 2019pdf2 MB