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BE-OPEN is a 30-months H2020 Coordination
and support action started on 01 January 2019,

and addresses the call MG-4-2-2018
Building Open Science platforms in transport research

BE OPEN Objectives

  • Develop a framework of common understanding of OS in Transport
  • Map existing OS resources
  • Facilitate an evidence-based dialogue to promote and establish OS in transport
  • Provide policy framework and guidance for OS implementation in transport
  • Engage a broad range of stakeholders in a participatory process for OS uptake

Promote, regulate and standardise Open Science (OS) in transport

Latest news

  • Opinion paper on advanced digitalisation of research by the EOSC Steering Board expert group (E03756)
    11 June 2024
  • RI and EOSC Symposium, May 7 2024 : Recording and presentations now Available
    31 May 2024
  • Driving Open Science adoption with a global framework: the Open Science Monitoring Initiative
    23 May 2024