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BE OPEN brings together a strong partnership comprising leading transport research institutions and research networks at pan-European level, covering all transport modes (i.e. road, rail, water, air), and partners with high level expertise in Open Science practice who are at the forefront of relevant developments in Europe, complemented by an advisory board of world-leading experts engaged in international initiatives.

Advisory Board

The Advisory Board consists of independent experts with wide recognition and proven expertise in the fields of transport research, open science, or international cooperation.

Its role is:
a) to ensure that the BE OPEN Consortium is progressing along the correct path;
b) to provide feedback at key project milestones;
c) to support the critical actions implemented within the project;
d) and to be informed about the corresponding results.


The BE OPEN project Advisory Board is composed by:

 Paul Ayris, Pro-vice-Provost, UCL, and Chair of LERU INFO and OP, United Kingdom

 Prof. Alsnosy Balbaa, Vice President of the Arab Academy for Science, Technology and Maritime Transport, Egypt (LinkedIn profile)

 Prof. Lily Elefteriadou, Director, University of Florida Transportation Institute, USA (LinkedIn profile)

 Prof Tatiana Kovacikova, Member of EC Expert Group on Open Science - Transport Research Cloud, Head of the Department of International Research Projects – ERAdiate+, University of Zilina, Slovakia (Professional profile)

 Dr. Eva Méndez Rodriguez, Deputy Vice-Rector for Scientific Policy - Open Science, Universidad Carlos III, Madrid, Spain (LinkedIn profile)

 Wouter Schallier, Chief Librarian at ECLAC, United Nations (LinkedIn profile)

 Kathleen Shearer, Executive Director, Confederation of Open Access Repositories (COAR) Research Associate, CARL Strategic Consultant, ARL, Canada (LinkedIn profile)

Takahiko Uchimura, Senior Vice President, ITS Japan


Relevant documents:

BE OPEN Advisory Board Terms of Reference