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Today at the RiDaysEU: The added value of Open Science in times of pandemic and beyond – Lessons learned and way forward

23 June 2021

Today, June 23 at the European Research and Innovation Days 2021, join the session on "The added value of Open Science in times of pandemic and beyond – Lessons learned and way forward" (15:55 - 16:55).

The session aims to illustrate the added value of Open Science practices in the pandemic and how the lessons learnt may assist their full uptake in the context of the renewed European Research Area. The session will also discuss the European COVID-19 Data Platform as a breakthrough example of open data sharing and its use for rapid response for both research and policy needs.


Jean-Eric Paquet, Director-General of DG Research and Innovation

Niklas Blomberg, Director at ELIXIR

Marion Koopmans, Head of the Erasmus MC department of Viroscience

Robert Terry, Manager Research Policy TDR – World Health Organization (WHO)