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BE OPEN and OSCAR meeting in Athens

26 June 2019

A very fruitful meeting was organized and held between the OSCAR team and the coordinator of the BE OPEN project, Maria Boile.

The meeting took place in Athens, Greece, in the frame of the OSCAR 6M progress meeting. The two projects, both dealing with the issue of Open Science, have agreed to frequently exchange, be in touch, support each other and collaborate where possible; so as to mutually benefit and avoid duplications of effort.

Like BE OPEN, OSCAR is a 30-months Horizon 2020 Coordination and Support Action that started on 01 January 2019. It addresses the current perception, acceptance, and implementation of Open Science in the field of European AAT research and in those fields where European AAT research issues interact with e.g. other transport modes and technology exchange.

Further information on its objectives, concept and activities, can be found on the OSCAR website: