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Open Science FAIR | 20-23 September 2021

29 June 2021

Once more this event aims to bring together and empower Open Science communities and services to identify common practices; to see what are the best synergies to deliver and operate services that work for many; and to bring experiences from all around the world and learn from each other.

In this year journey OpenAIRE joined forces with other projects in Open Science area, and with the support of EU projects - COAREIFLFORCE11LiberLa ReferenciaOPERASSPARC e SPARC Europe.

This is your opportunity to present your work and ideas addressing one of the conference topics!

Call for workshops , which may vary between 90, 120 and 180 minutes (
Call for lightning talks and Demos
 ( proposals, as an opportunity to individuals, teams and projects to showcase the latest knowledge and potential solutions to support Open Science in the academic, commercial or public environment.
All proposals should until be submitted until July 26th through OSFAIR2021 submission system - Easychair here
The Registration to OSFAIR2021 will open soon (, stay tuned!!